
Life Path Number 1 : What Does Your Life Path Number Mean?

Life path number talks about your peculiar traits and destiny. It can predict almost your entire destiny depending on your birth date number. Its power is immense and a lot many times an individual exhibits core traits as associated with each number. This number dominates almost every other number you would associate yourself with.

Also Read: What Is Numerology And Why You Should Know It?

How To Calculate Life Path Number ?

It’s very Easy. Life path number is the total of your date month and year. Let’s take an example. So if someone is born on 21st of January 1990 i.e. 21/01/1990 so the life path number shall be 2+1(for the date) +1(for the month) +1+9+9+0(for the year) = 2+1+1+19. Now the aim is to bring them to single digit unless the two digit is 11 or 22 or 33. These three digits are never reduced as they are the master numbers. So the total of above comes out to be 4+19=23 which again reduced to single digit 2+3=5. Hence the life path number for above is 5.

Simple Maths

=> 21/01/1990
=> 2+1+0+1+1+9+9+0
=> 23
=> 2+3
=> 5

So the possible life path numbers can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 22 and 33.

LIFE PATH NUMBER      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Each life path number has its own traits. The Positives and The Negatives. And trust me, they very well define an individual in complete terms. Let’s start with the first number.

Number 1 as your Life path number


The First Thought when we think about this number is BEGINNINGS, DEVELOPMENTS, LEADERSHIP, CHAMPIONS and so on.

Leaders And Champions


Yes, those born with this are born to lead. They have the potential to start from the scratch and reach the stars. They are independent thinkers with the generation next thinking. Nothing is too big for them. They are born to reach out to their dreams.

Beginners And Hard Working


They are the ones to start anything and be in frontline. They work hard and earn every bit for themselves and are fighters in true sense.

Become Dictators


But all this can come to an end because of their tendency of becoming dictators. Yes, they forget to draw the line at times. This leads them to a narrow passage where they think that the only right way of doing things is the one they know. They should definitely learn to accept what is given to them.

“Knowledge Expands When Shared”

If handled the right way those born with this number can make it Big In Life. They are emotionally as well as physically strong souls. Throw them to the wolves and they will emerge un tattered.

LIFE PATH NUMBER      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Keep visiting for more Life Path Numbers and tell us in the comments below if it relates.

LIFE PATH NUMBER     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Shivaani Bajaj Mehtta

A lawyer by profession. Editor at Zodiac Feed. Astrologer. Conducts live sessions. Angel card reader/ tarot reader by passion. Relationship Counsellor. Crystal ball gazer. Intense love for zodiacs and numerology. Coach on Affirmations and switchwords! Runs Divinity!

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