
October Horoscope – October 2017 Monthly Horoscope

We at zodiac feed are trying to bring your way something new and more meaningful that you haven’t been through before. We along with your horoscope shall provide you a very carefully made with many efforts a list of do’s and don’ts for helping our readers and in addition to this, there is one affirmation for each zodiac. Doing this regularly will show you immense change.

Your Satisfaction Is Our Utmost Concern. Wishing You All A Very Bright Colour Full And Lit Up Month Like The Festival Of Diwali.

1. Aries

Angel Card For The Month: THE EMPRESS

THE EMPRESS: This card indicates lavish abundance period. The time where you will be giving birth to your dreams. You shall be nurturing yourself and others.Enjoy the beautiful things in life around you and you might just realize how blessed you are.

Do’s: Take excellent care of your body with massage, yoga or anything that makes you feel healthy, vibrant and luxurious.

Don’ts: Do not be fooled by words.

Affirmation: I call upon God and angels to help me notice and enjoy the gifts that my dedication brings me.

Also Read: Know what is your Life Path Number and what it says about you

2. Taurus

Angel Card For The Month: THE CHARIOT

THE CHARIOT: A time of some great achievement. Learning self-discipline and working with willpower. Some might get public recognition. You will be able to manage a challenging situation successfully.
The time where you will be basking in the glory of joy. There may be a promotion or a reward for some. Travel plans for others. Keep all your vehicles in up to date conditions.

Do’s: Stay calm and stay grounded. Most importantly stay focused towards your goals.
Rome was not built in a day.

Don’ts: Avoid taking hasty decisions during this month of the year.

Affirmation: I ask my angels to help me express myself with love.

3. Gemini

Angel Card For The Month: THE STAR⭐️

THE STAR: Wish upon a star and make a wish. It might just come true with lots of goodness in store for you. Happy times ahead. Its that time of the month where you will be making positive and long-term changes and a lot of them. Indication of being on the right path as well. Your career chart shows you are involved in the right direction and this is your life’s purpose.

Do’s: Envision your life the way you want it to be and take action in that direction.

Don’ts: Do not ignore your intuition. It will guide you through.

Affirmation: I send love into the hours that lie before me and I fill my heart and soul with faith and positivity

4. Cancer

Angel Card for the month: RELEASE

RELEASE: This card shows the end of a phase or a situation. It is going to be a time for spiritual transformation for some. A path where you move on, leaving the past behind. There are going to be inevitable positive changes. It’s also a time where you realize to cut everything and everyone who has outgrown your emotions.

Do’s: Take a good time in adjusting to the change happening in your life. Be kind to yourself.

Don’ts: Do not rush into situations.

Affirmation: I deserve the best in life. The best is coming to me now.

Must Read: 8 Amazing Reasons Why You Should Date A Cancer

5. Leo

Angel Card For The Month: LIFE EXPERIENCE

LIFE EXPERIENCE: A significant life event might change your life. A powerful revelation that leads to change. Time to spread your wings. You will suddenly start seeing the truths. Life experiences make you learn some very wise lessons of your life that you shall cherish throughout.

Do’s: Time to stay motivated.

Don’ts: Stop ignoring and take actions.

Affirmation:  I am more than blessed.

6. Virgo

Angel Card For The Month: THE HIGH PRIESTESS

THE HIGH PRIESTESS: Time where you listen to your intuition. Need to have patience, and develop inner strength and peace. Consider carefully what you want before acting.

Do’s: Silence Is Golden. Withdraw from the noise of daily life and ask for guidance from your guides.

Don’ts: Don’t race into action right now.

Affirmation: I am at peace. I am happy. I am enough.

7. Libra

Angel Card For The Month: THE WORLD

THE WORLD: A job well done. It’s time of Joy, Contentment, and Gratitude. The path toward enlightenment. A move to a next level. A new house or a new job. A complete clarity of things.

Do’s: Feel the sense of gratitude.

Don’ts: Let Not any sense of negativity prevail. Live the golden period with utmost faith and belief.

Affirmation: Thank You Thank You Thank You

Also Read: Amazing Things You Should Know About Dating A Libra

8. Scorpio

Angel Card For The Month: RENEWAL

RENEWAL: Time where you review and evaluate your plans. There should be a favorable assessment of the facts. It’s a time when you decide to move in a new direction. A time where you take a landmark decision. A career or a job change for some. A new beginning for others.

Do’s: Make thoughtful judgments regarding your life.

Don’ts: Do Not Take Any Major Decisions This Month. Wait for a better timing.

Affirmation: Thank you for the guidance and assistance throughout.

9. Sagittarius

Angel Card For The Month: STRENGTH

STRENGTH: Time where you realize that you are stronger than u think and can handle things perfectly.
Learn to forgive. Use honey instead of vinegar. Believe in your ability to grow.

Do’s: Look at challenges as opportunities.

Don’ts: Don’t give up.

Affirmation: I trust the divine change taking place.

10. Capricorn

Angel Card For The Month: THE WHEEL

THE WHEEL: This is the best card of the deck which brings along with it a lot of positive and happy vibes. It is the time for a positive change. You will now see that a situation suddenly moves forward. Fortune is on your side. Future looks bright and you have all reasons to stay hopeful and happy.

Do’s: Take the leap with the knowledge that everything will work out for you.

Don’ts: Don’t let anything shake your faith.

Affirmation: Thank You, I am more than blessed for I have achieved my dreams.

Also Read: Amazing Things You Should Know About Dating A Capricorn


Angel Card For The Month: THE MAGICIAN

THE MAGICIAN: You are ready to sour high. You have the resources or the ability to manifest them. Life is magical. Feel the magic happen. The right time to begin new projects.

Do’s: Make concentrated efforts.

Don’ts: Do not procrastinate.

Affirmation: Life Is Magical. Thank you for new beginnings.

12. Pisces

Angel Card For The Month: UNITY

UNITY: Time where you expand your circle of friends or join a group. Time to question and review any rules restrictions or limited beliefs. The lifting of previous blocks to manifest your goals.

Do’s: Time to seek or be one for others as a mentor or expert.

Don’ts: Limit yourself.

Affirmation: I am growing every single second of the day. Thank you.

You Might Also Like: 11 Amazing Reasons You Should Know About Dating A Pisces

The Right Way Of Doing The Affirmations.

If you get connected and wish to do these affirmative statements, there are two ways of doing it. You can choose either of them.

The first one is writing them. They should be written in capital letters without any punctuation marks. When writing, write them at least 21 times in one go.

Second is you can also do them verbally. When you do it verbally make sure you do it repetitively because the more you do it the more it resonates with the universe and sets the law of attraction into motion.

This is one simple and yet the most magical way of living and achieving one’s dream as it sets your mind and soul into the motion of positivity, hence making it magnet ready to attract miracles.

Wishing all you beautiful souls a great month full of color, lights and big dreams.

Eat, Party, Work and then Workout, but most importantly do not forget to dream.

Life appears beautiful and purposeful with those big dreamy eyes.

Shivaani Bajaj Mehtta

A lawyer by profession. Editor at Zodiac Feed. Astrologer. Conducts live sessions. Angel card reader/ tarot reader by passion. Relationship Counsellor. Crystal ball gazer. Intense love for zodiacs and numerology. Coach on Affirmations and switchwords! Runs Divinity!

Published by
Shivaani Bajaj Mehtta

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